Friday, December 12, 2008

My Freebie

My friend Michele is constantly posting all the wonderful freebie's she finds. You'll have to check out her blog. I've requested many of the items myself. Anyway, Michele, here's to you.

I've known about this freebie for a long time. My husband anctually got it first and I just filled out the form for some more copies. The Heritage Foundation is giving away free pocket size copies of the Constitution.

This is something I'm sure I learned in school, but due to whatever, I do not remember any of it. I know with the upcoming Presidential change I want to be up to par on this sort of thing.

So, get your copies. Yes, I did say copies. Order some for every member of your family. I am going to make lessons out of it. If you order over 25, they want to know what you are going to use them for, but beyond that it is no questions asked. You do not have to take any survey's or donate any money. Just ask for some copies of this wonderful document. Besides, who can go wrong with our heritage?

That's just my take. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Brandi...
I ordered some for our co-op give to others. I hope they come through!

Can't wait for you to post about the Russian tea recipe!


Lisa said...

Freebies are good!